The general purpose of this project was to promote an effective implementation of the EU financial assistance for rural development under the Rural Development Sector Programme and prepared the Turkish Cypriot community for the future implementation of the acquis communautaire.
Crop Husbandry Project aims; to reduce significantly the amount of water applied per crop and maximise water use efficiency for fruit, vegetable and field crops to overcome scarcity and salinity of water; to improve economic viability of crops under irrigation and dry farming in order to increase farmers’ welfare; to design production system according to market needs ; to perform all the activities in an interactive way with the involvement of key partners (public and private).
Client: Nippon Giken Inc. in Association with Taiyo Consultants Co. Ltd.
Financed By: JICA
Total Consultancy: 7 person/months
The Project was implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) of the Government of Turkey in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The baseline survey consisted of 3 major components, which are general data collection, marketing survey and farming analysis.
Client: Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA)
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 48 person/months
AGRIN was awarded a contract to provide the consultancy services for watershed management, monitoring and evaluation, system analysis, soil conservation/irrigation, forestry and agricultural planning and training.
This study was carried for IFAD to provide an informed data base on socio-economic profile of rangeland and forest villages within the three proposed districts of Erzincan, as a basis for programme design.
This study was carried for IFAD to provide an informed data base on socio-economic profile of rangeland and forest villages within the three proposed programme provinces (Ağrı, Kars, Sivas), as a basis for Programme design.
Ceyhan – Aslantaş is a US$400 million project financed by the World Bank and implemented between 1974 – 1986. The main objective of the project was the construction of Aslantaş Dam on Ceyhan River, for the purpose of flood protection, irrigation and power generation.
WCD, within the framework of its mandate, has selected ten countries to assess the impacts of large dams on development. Turkey and Aslantaş Dam were also selected for the purpose of this study. AGRIN was awarded two separate contracts by WCD for i) the initial scoping study and ii) the final case study.
Client: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) /Prime Ministry Social Solidarity Fund (SYDTF)
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 33 person/months
Social Risk Mitigation Project (SRMP) is a US$ 500 million project with three following main sub-components: i) Institutional Development Component, ii) Conditional Cash Transfers Component, iii) Local Initiatives Component.
Client: Prime Ministry Social Solidarity Fund (SYDTF)
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 15 person/months
Social Risk Mitigation Project (SRMP) is a US$ 500 million project with three following main sub-components: i) Institutional Development Component, ii) Conditional Cash Transfers Component, iii) Local Initiatives Component.
Overall objective of the project is to improve the future opportunities and living standards for youth and children in South-Eastern Turkey. The purpose of the project is to provide supplementary education opportunities for youth and children which will increase social inclusion and cohesion in pilot areas of South-Eastern Turkey. Agrin is executing this project in cooperation with European consultancy firm Niras IC sp.z.o.o from Poland and an NGO TKV from Turkey.
The overall objective of the project is “to promote an inclusive labour market with opportunities for disadvantaged persons, with a view to their sustainable integration into labour force and combat all forms of discrimination in the labour market”There are two associated purposes of this TA project, ie, to increase awareness on the problems of disadvantaged groups and combating labour market discrimination against them; and to increase the institutional capacity ofthe MOLSS Department of Employment Policies as well as that of thesocial partners in this area. Agrin is executing this project in cooperation with European consultancy firm Niras IC sp.z.o.o from Poland, State Fund for the Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities from Poland and an NGO TKV from Turkey.