Technical Assistance for Preparation of the Veterinary Strategy Document

Technical Assistance for Preparation of the Veterinary Strategy Document
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2014
Year(End): 2016
Client: European Union
Financed By: European Union

To increase the efficiency of veterinary policies through sectoral multi-annual planning, raise awareness among stakeholders and strengthen their commitment to achieve the defined targets, ensure the financing of required actions, improve the animal health and welfare situation in the country, contribute to alignment with the EU Acquis in the veterinary field and the fulfilment of the relevant closing benchmarks set for Chapter 12-Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policies, as well as Turkey's international obligations in the animal health field.

To analyse the current situation and detect the main shortcomings in the veterinary field particularly as regards animal health, animal identification and registration, control of animal movements and animal welfare, to make a needs assessment and prioritize needs, to determine short-, mid- and long-term goals in view of national interests and obligations arising from on-going accession negotiations with the European Union, to base policy decisions on cost-benefit analyses, in close consultation with the animal industry and other stakeholders, and to incorporate these outputs into a Veterinary Strategy Document, which will serve as a key reference document for decision makers, official veterinarians, private veterinary practitioners, staff of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, non¬governmental organisations and other relevant stakeholders.

A Veterinary Strategy Document is planned and prepared which includes animal health, animal welfare, animal identification and registration and movement control strategies and which links these components and sets an integrated roadmap for the forthcoming 15 years with targets set for three consecutive 5-year period.

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