The Biosafety Research and Development Project Turkey

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Biosafety The Biosafety Research and Development Project Turkey The Biosafety Research and Development Project Turkey The Biosafety Research and Development Project Turkey The Biosafety Research and Development Project Turkey The Biosafety Research and Development Project Turkey The Biosafety Research and Development Project Turkey The Biosafety Research and Development Project Turkey
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 1987
Year(End): 1987
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Agricultural Research (TAGEM)
Financed By: UNEP/GEF
Total Consultancy: 3 persons/month

Turkey is implementing a national project for the purpose of setting her National Biosafety Framework in line with the relevant articles of the Cartegana Protocol.

To achieve this, General Directorate of Agricultural Research (TAGEM) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) is assigned as the lead national implementing agency.


TAGEM has decided to organize a series of workshops with the participation of about 70 relevant national stakeholders, and thus prepare a detailed document on the five key elements of this national project. These elements are;


i) legal system
ii) management system
iii) institutional structure
iv) risk identification and management
v) establishment of a control system to monitor genetically modified organism (GMO), and
vi) mechanism for public participation and awareness.


In this respect, Agrin has been awarded a contract by TAGEM to achieve the following key activities by organizing 3 workshops (each between 3-5 days). Major tasks undertaken by the firm:


i) design of the workshops’ methodology
ii) provide facilitators for the workshops
iii) consolidate the results obtained from 7 working groups formed during each workshop
iv) analyze the suggestions priorities identified by working groups
v) report the results to the Client


During the first workshop held in January 2004, existing situation with respect to five key elements were discussed and suggestions for improvement were analyzed and prioritized.


During the second workshop held in early March 2004, the results of the first workshop were submitted to the participants and basing on these results, groups have developed concrete recommendations for the five elements. Two commissions were formed to finalize the legislative and institutional aspects and to submit a draft discussion document during the next workshop.


The last workshop was organized on the last week of March, to decide on the final legislation and institutional structure, with the participation of all relevant stakeholders  

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