Control of Rabies Disease in Turkey

Control of Rabies Disease in Turkey
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2007
Year(End): 2007
Client: Danish Agricultural Advisory Service
Financed By: The European Union
Total Consultancy: 1 person/months

Global objectives of this project was to prepare tender and procurement dossiers for the 3 care units’ (Ankara, İstanbul, İzmir) construction to launch the main project aiming to decrease the incidence of rabies, with a view for eradication of the disease in Turkey, to ensure a human and animal health status, like in the EU.

Specific objectives was to prepare layout plans and detailed designs including detailed implementation designs/drawings of the buildings, drawings of premises and detailed designs/drawings of further ancillary facilities and the tender dossier for 3 care units which are to be constructed for the control of stray dogs in a sensible and sustainable way (i.e. vaccination, identification marking, housing).

For the purpose of this study, AGRIN provided a Veterinary expert and a Procurement Specialist.
Major responsibilities of Veterinary expert;    

  • Assess in detail the needs for establishing the 3 Care Units as nominated by MARA with facilities in line with EU standards
  • Contribute preparation architectural and technical designs-bill of quantities-costs estimates

Major responsibilities of Procurement Expert;    

  • Prepare Tender Dossiers, including Technical Specifications and Bill of Quantities of the works for the construction of the 3 Care Units
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