Çoruh River Basin Watershed Rehabilitation Project

Çoruh River Basin Watershed Rehabilitation Project
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2012
Year(End): 2015
Client: Ministry of Forestry and Rural Affairs
Financed By: JICA
Total Consultancy: 56 persons/month

Çoruh River Watershed Rehabilitation Project is an integrated project and covers the Provinces of Artvin, Bayburt and Erzurum. The project covers the conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable management of natural resources and livelihood improvement of villagers in the selected 13 micro-catchments (MCs) in the region.

Activities within the scope of the Project are as follows:
I- Rehabilitation of Degraded Natural Resources
• Rehabilitation of forests, rangeland and agricultural areas
• Measuring and monitoring the water pollution
• Environment friendly applications. (Fertilizer management, organic agriculture etc.)
• Generalization of renewable energy sources
II- Income Generating Activities
• Small scaled irrigation
• Agricultural terrace and production on these terraces
• Increasing and enhancing the product variety in agricultural activities
• Development of live-stocking, greenhouses, fishery and apiculture
III- Strengthening Policy and Regulatory Capacity to Comply With EU Standards
• Supporting the implementation of EU Nitrates Directive
• Creating and introducing rules for agricultural implementations
• Institutional support in organic agriculture
IV- Education and Awareness Raising
New developments and applied methods in issues of protection of
natural resources, increasing of productivity in agriculture, use of
inorganic fertilizer and pesticide by farmers and organic agricultural
methods are tought to public with the training programs performed
within the scope of the project and the activities for public awareness are continued during the project.

AGRIN, is providing 3 experts for this project. One of them is the Project Supervisor with following major tasks;
- Support Project Manager and Project Management and Implementation Unit (PMIU) to execute all capacity development activities.
- Supervise international and national expers as Team Leader of two project components.
- Prepare basic framework of capacity development activities and assess the results of them;
- Review project documents and procurement procedures in line with Procurement Law of Turkey.
- Prepare a basic framework and detailed ToRs for capacity development activities.
- Assess the results of the capacity development activities.

The other two are Avalanche Expert with following major tasks:
-    To collect and review the data on avalanche in Coruh River watershed, in terms of hazard of the avalanche, vulnerability of settlements and effective countermeasurews, by also conducting site surveys in selected MCs.
-     To prepare avalanche risk maps.
-    To train the relevant staff of the Ministry and other related institutions on avalanche related issues.
-    To provide technical assistance in selection of locations for 3 avalanche control structures, as well as technical input for design of these structures.
-    Assist in supervision of construction works.

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