Aslantaş, Sır and Menzelet Dams Cross-Check Surveys

Aslantaş, Sır and Menzelet Dams  Cross-Check Surveys
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 1999
Year(End): 2000
Client: World Commission on Dams
Financed By: World Commission on Dams
Total Consultancy: 1 person/months

In addition to Ceyhan-Aslantaş Scoping and Case Studies, in December 1999, WCD requested AGRIN to conduct Cross-Check Surveys in order to check the general status of the Ceyhan River Basin. For this purpose three surveys were carried out for two dams in the upper Ceyhan Basin and for Aslantaş Dam. With the crossc-check survey Sir, Menzelet and Aslantaş Dams were questioned on projected and actual base.

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