Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project

Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project
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Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 1995
Year(End): 1997
Client: Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA)
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 48 person/months

AGRIN was awarded a contract to provide the consultancy services for watershed management, monitoring and evaluation, system analysis, soil conservation/irrigation, forestry and agricultural planning and training.
The project was implemented in Elazıg, Adıyaman and Malatya provinces of Turkey and nine micro catchment plans were prepared. Key issues included in these plans are national resources, target groups and participations, alternatives of erosion control, alternative income generating activities, monitoring and evaluation and training; watershed rehabilitation, income generating activities, adaptive research, institutional support, gene conservation, participatory development and training.

In 1995 - 1996, AGRIN has provided Technical Assistance/Training for the project for a total amount of 42 staff months. During their missions consultants (Monitoring & Evaluation, Participatory Development, Watershed, Agriculturalist, Forestry Soil Conservation and Irrigation) have trained the project staff and the associated communities on the following subjects:
•    On-the-Job Training for local staff on project concept and participatory planning
•    Farmer Centred Problem Census, Problem Solving Method.
•    How to develop relations with the participating communities.
•    Data-base modelling system for the monitoring and evaluation system of the project.
•    Project planning and implementation  activities of erosion control and land use.

In 1995-1996, seminars were organised on;
•    Project Concepts, Issues and Opportunities
•    Wrap-up seminar on the proposed monitoring and evaluation system for the project

In 1996 and 1997 AGRIN has provided a total amount of 6 staff months Training Specialist to set up the training strategies and to prepare the Logical Frameworks. Additionally, the expert has trained the project staff on the following topics:
•    Diffusion of innovations and extension methods in agriculture and rural development
•    Participatory Development
•    Cost of Training and Programmes
•    Extension and Media costing

In 1996-1997, seminars were organised on:
•    Role of Participatory Planning and Training in Development
•    Project Planning, implementation and monitoring, with special emphasis on Logical Framework
•    Gender planning (women in development) and participation of older and younger generation in rural development and participatory development projects
•    Sustainable development and the problems of small farmers

Workshops were organised on:
•    Evaluation of various project activities in the provinces
•    Review of Detailed Action Plan
•    Project outputs and discussions with provincial and central staff for the sustainability of the project
•    Discussions on the future projection and action plan

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