Technical Assistance for Improving the Social Integration and Employability of Disadvantaged Persons

Technical Assistance for Improving the Social Integration and Employability of Disadvantaged Persons
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2016
Year(End): 2017
Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Financed By: European Union

The overall objective of the project is “to promote an inclusive labour market with opportunities for disadvantaged persons, with a view to their sustainable integration into labour force and combat all forms of discrimination in the labour market”There are two associated purposes of this TA project, ie, to increase awareness on the problems of disadvantaged groups and combating labour market discrimination against them; and to increase the institutional capacity ofthe MOLSS Department of Employment Policies as well as that of thesocial partners in this area. Agrin is executing this project in cooperation with European consultancy firm Niras IC sp.z.o.o from Poland, State Fund for the Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities from Poland and an NGO TKV from Turkey.

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