Support to Turkish Authorities in Charge of Legislative Alignment to the Acquis in Veterinary, Phytosanitary and Seeds Sectors

Support to Turkish Authorities in Charge of Legislative Alignment to the Acquis in Veterinary, Phytosanitary and Seeds Sectors
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2002
Year(End): 2003
Financed By: The European Union
Total Consultancy: 5 person/months

Within the World-wide Framework Contract with the European Commission, "Rural Development and Food Safety" Program, the Consortium EURATA, which SOFRECO is also a member, has been entrusted to carry out the above mentioned study.
For the purpose of this study, SOFRECO has sub-contracted AGRIN for the provision of two local Veterinary Specialists and one Plant Protection Specialist.
Major responsibilities of Agrin experts were;    
i)    assess the current legal and institutional situation,
ii)    draft an EU alignment strategy,
iii)    assist in the preparation of future EU assistance programs, and
iv)    monitor the progress of working groups.

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