On Farm Irrigation Project

On Farm Irrigation Project
Country: The Kyrgyz Republic
Year(Start): 2001
Year(End): 2003
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 6 person/months

PMU has selected an AGRIN expert to design the monitoring and evaluation systems for the relevant project components.
The Project aimed to provide funds for on-farm irrigation rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of on-farm irrigation infrastructure would only be worthwhile if there is adequate operation and maintenance afterwards. To achieve this, Government has recognised the importance of developing and strengthening Water Users Associations as the critical organization to be responsible for on-farm operation and maintenance (O&M). Thus the project would have major emphasis on the training and support to WUAs and the development of the necessary institutional capacity for this.
Specific services relevant to the assignment were:
•Creating a monitoring system for evaluating the progress of the various components of the project.
•Creating a M&E system for evaluating the benefits deriving from the establishment of WUAs from the agricultural, financial and technical point of view.
•Creating a monitoring system for evaluating the financial and economic impact of the project.
•Developing training materials for training staff at Oblast and Raion level.
•Ensure that the M&E system works successfully or, if this proves not to be the cases, develop adequate modifications;
•Training the PIU M&E Specialist and WUA central support unit staff in techniques for analysing the data

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