Bakü-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline Project Health Risk Impact Assessment Study

Bakü-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline Project Health Risk Impact Assessment Study
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2003
Year(End): 2003
Client: Punj Lloyd – LIMAK Joint Venture
Financed By: BTC
Total Consultancy: 4 person/months

Under the leadership of AGRIN project manager and two medical physicians, a team of 3 experts have carried out a revision study to assess health risk impacts of the pipeline area between Yumurtalık and Kayseri where the main and mobile site of the Client, were established.

AGRIN’s key tasks were forming a team of experts, leading and coordinating the study and preparation of the final assessment report. The study covered following issues:

•    Health baseline study
•    Pharmaceuticals and suppliers
•    In-country care providers
•    Regular standards
•    Environmental hazards, occupational health hazards and travel hazards
•    Health risk assessment
•    Health impact assessment
•    Emergency response plan
•    Medical plan/health impact and health assessment report and health requirements
•    Health risk assessment conclusion
•    Turkey occupational legislation regulations
•    Lot C prevalent diseases
•    Medical facility assessment

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