Agriculture / Food

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Country: The Kyrgyz Republic
Year(Start): 2001
Year(End): 2003
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 6 person/months
PMU has selected an AGRIN expert to design the monitoring and evaluation systems for the relevant project components. The Project aimed to provide funds for on-farm irrigation rehabilitation
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2000
Year(End): 2001
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 48 person/months
Within the framework of the preparation phase of this project, AGRIN has provided administrative support for the consultancy services of three components of the project. These are; -Support to Project Coordination Unit (PCU) which is established within the Undersecretariat of Treasury. -Restructuring of Agricultural Sales Cooperatives Unions (ASCUs) -Pilot Project for Direct Income Support to Farmers and Establishment of a Farmer Registration system
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 1999
Year(End): 1999
Client: Ministry of Industry and Trade
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 13 person/months
AGRIN was involved in this project in 1999 as a joint-venture partner with Chemonics Inc. of USA. Project objectives are; (a) increase the marketing efficiency of grains and cotton through selected commodity exchanges by introducing improved systems of price discovery, dematerialized trade, and regulatory oversight; (b) demonstrate the benefits resulting from increased private commodity marketing; and (c) provide a model for development of other private exchanges, and impetus for government to withdraw from its intervention in the marketing of other commodities.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 1994
Year(End): 1995
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA)
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 27 person/months
The study was carried out under the “Agro-industry Project” of Turkey. AGRIN was involved in this study together with two British Consulting firms, Mc. Alister Elliot&Ptr. And Landell Mills. One of the responsibilities of AGRIN was to carry out the local coordination for the study and to provide local consultants.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 1991
Year(End): 1994
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA)
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 27 person/months
AGRIN was involved in the execution of this project under contract with AFC firm of Germany for the overall coordination of 78 staff months consultancy services, and planning, arrangement and administration of the overseas MSc training programs for research and extension staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), as well as study tours and short term overseas training
Country: Kyrgyz Republic
Year(Start): 1998
Year(End): 1998
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
Financed By: World Bank- IFAD
Total Consultancy: 1 person/months
AGRIN was awarded a contract by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, to establish a computerised Financial Management System and to prepare the “Financial Management and Accounting Policy Manual” for the Irrigation Rehabilitation Project. The manual was prepared in line with international accounting standards and the World Bank’s requirements. Additionally, AGRIN has trained the project staff for the operation of the Financial Management System.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2014
Year(End): 2016
Client: European Union
Financed By: European Union
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows: To increase the efficiency of veterinary policies through sectoral multi-annual planning, raise awareness among stakeholders and strengthen their commitment to achieve the defined targets, ensure the financing of required actions, improve the animal health and welfare situation in the country, contribute to alignment with the EU Acquis in the veterinary field and the fulfilment of the relevant closing benchmarks set for Chapter 12-Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policies, as well as Turkey's international obligations in the animal health field.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2014
Year(End): 2016
Client: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock
Financed By: EU
The project is designed to provide electronic identification and registration of ovine and caprine animals in Turkey as well as to promote public awareness on this issue. Primary target groups will be are farmers, keepers and animal owners. Project team will also be responsible from training of MoFAL staff on awareness raising, related EU legislation etc. Consortium will also assist the Beneficiary for the organization of the electronic eartagging operation of 24,2 million animals during these 2 years. A comprehensive communication strategy will be developed and implemented.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2016
Year(End): 2018
Client: Rupublic of Turkey Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology
Financed By: European Union
Technical Assistance for Regional Industrial CThe overall objective of the project is to contribute to the competiveness of the Turkey’s Textile Industry. The project objectives have been designed to (1) establish a system that will improve the quality standards of the cotton ginners in the targeted regions in South East Anatolia and (2) improve the collaboration between enterprises. ollaboration in Cotton Fibre Manufacturing
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