Need & impact assessment

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Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2003
Year(End): 2003
Client: Punj Lloyd – LIMAK Joint Venture
Financed By: BTC
Total Consultancy: 4 person/months
Under the leadership of AGRIN project manager and two medical physicians, a team of 3 experts have carried out a revision study to assess health risk impacts of the pipeline area between Yumurtalık and Kayseri where the main and mobile site of the Client, were established.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 1999
Year(End): 2000
Client: World Commission on Dams
Financed By: World Commission on Dams
Total Consultancy: 1 person/months
In addition to Ceyhan-Aslantaş Scoping and Case Studies, in December 1999, WCD requested AGRIN to conduct Cross-Check Surveys in order to check the general status of the Ceyhan River Basin. For this purpose three surveys were carried out for two dams in the upper Ceyhan Basin and for Aslantaş Dam. With the crossc-check survey Sir, Menzelet and Aslantaş Dams were questioned on projected and actual base.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2007
Year(End): 2007
Client: The Ministry of National Education, Projects Coordination Center
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 7 persons/month
AGRIN carried out the design, sampling administration and management of this nation wide beneficiary evaluation survey in 12 provinces for the purpose of assessing the programme impact,through quantitative surveys.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2003
Year(End): 2004
Client: Prime Ministry Social Solidarity Fund (SYDTF)
Financed By: World Bank
Total Consultancy: 15 person/months
Social Risk Mitigation Project (SRMP) is a US$ 500 million project with three following main sub-components: i) Institutional Development Component, ii) Conditional Cash Transfers Component, iii) Local Initiatives Component.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2016
Year(End): 2017
Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Financed By: European Union
The overall objective of the project is “to promote an inclusive labour market with opportunities for disadvantaged persons, with a view to their sustainable integration into labour force and combat all forms of discrimination in the labour market”There are two associated purposes of this TA project, ie, to increase awareness on the problems of disadvantaged groups and combating labour market discrimination against them; and to increase the institutional capacity ofthe MOLSS Department of Employment Policies as well as that of thesocial partners in this area. Agrin is executing this project in cooperation with European consultancy firm Niras IC sp.z.o.o from Poland, State Fund for the Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities from Poland and an NGO TKV from Turkey.
Country: Turkey
Year(Start): 2016
Year(End): 2018
Client: Rupublic of Turkey Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology
Financed By: European Union
Technical Assistance for Regional Industrial CThe overall objective of the project is to contribute to the competiveness of the Turkey’s Textile Industry. The project objectives have been designed to (1) establish a system that will improve the quality standards of the cotton ginners in the targeted regions in South East Anatolia and (2) improve the collaboration between enterprises. ollaboration in Cotton Fibre Manufacturing
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